Our Terms & Conditions
Legal Disclaimer
Counting Dead Women Australia keeps a continually updated register of women killed by violence in Australia every year. The register begins in 2012. We add the latest information to our annual registers as soon as it is received and verified.
Understanding Our Terms & Conditions
Our Terms and Conditions are designed to define the legal framework governing the interaction between our visitors, supporters, and the organization. They serve to establish the rights and responsibilities of both parties, ensuring a transparent and fair relationship. It is crucial to tailor the Terms & Conditions to the specific nature of our organization and the services we provide.
Inclusions in Our Terms & Conditions
Our Terms & Conditions cover a wide range of aspects, including guidelines for website usage, privacy policies, copyright and intellectual property rights, dispute resolution, and more. These are essential to protect both our organization and our supporters. For further details, refer to our comprehensive guide on 'Creating a Terms and Conditions Policy'.